Advertising can serve several purposes, some good but others bad. On the negative side, I firmly believe that advertising is adding to the noise and distraction of our lives. It interrupts programmes and takes away the thrill of an exciting storyline or a close finish. It creates a visual clutter that detracts from order. Repetition of the same advertisement, at best, bores and, more likely, irritates. Many adverts are just plain boring and do not entertain, amuse or give pleasure in any way.
Yet advertisements can also be informative, amusing or creative entertainment. They can inform one about new technologies, inventions or ideas that make real changes to one's life. They can pass on information or contacts that are, or will be, useful to know. They can be simply funny or entertaining. So we should not outlaw them, but we do need to control how they impact on our lives better than we do.
It seems to me ironic that in developed societies, such as New York, London, Tokyo, we accept that advertisements dominate the landscape. While in lesser developed countries adverts are few and far between.
That is why we do not advertise on but are trying to maintain a clean website without distracting moving advertisements, colourful ads that clash with our house colours or just lots of repetitive and distracting visual images.
In the longer term, I really believe that the answer has to lie in the hands of the advertisers who have to accept responsibility for their effect on society. They should ask themselves whether advertisements are entertaining, amusing or useful to their target audience. Is the advertisement going to have a negative impact because it will be seen just too often and create a negative response from its audience? Will it bore? Will it encourage people to do unnecessary, or bad, things? It would be illegal to show an advertisement encouraging people to drive too fast or take drugs, yet why do we not take the same approach to foods that damage our health or to encourage debt?
I like the Adbusters website, because this shows the potentially ridiculous side of advertising by showing ads that are just plain funny. Here is an example, with full credit to Adbusters.